First place open class Round Scotland.
Completed Round Britain Rally and awarded ‘The Horn Trophy’ by Ribex.
1st overall Round Scotland to be awarded the coveted Stockdale Trophy BIBOA Open Class National Champion.
Saw Chris join Team ‘Hot Lemon’ to take a World Record for the fastest circumnavigation of Round Britain beating the previous longstanding record set by Drambuie over 10 years previously.
Mike Deacon invited Chris to team up for an assault on the Round Britain 30/50 ft Class World Record along with Dave Deacon and Jan Falkowski.
They were triumphant beating the previous record set by Sunseeker.
Saw two 2nd places in the RYA National Championship and BIBOA National Championship close behind old adversary ‘Hot Lemon’ Dave and Mike Deacon.
Saw a Long distance cruise in Seahound V with the sole purpose of setting the boat up for the following years assault on the Round Britain and Ireland Word Record.
The team left Largs on the Clyde in Scotland and cruised to St Kilda and back via The Outer Hebrides around 600 nmiles.
Team Seahound V Chris Strickland skipper, John Puddifoot, Jan Falkowski and Gordon Compton took the World Record for Round Britain and Ireland including St Kilda and The Shetland Isles.
The previous record was broken by over 36hrs.The team completed the 1900 nm in 72hrs 27min taking over 36hrs off the previous record set by Alan Priddy in his Spirit of Portsmouth.
Team Seahound were making preparations for the ‘Big One’ The London to Monte Carlo. The record was in the hands of an Austrian and an Italian. Fabio Buzzi had built an 80ft monohul powered by 6000 Hp for the multimillionaire Hannis Bohinc.They had covered the 2080nm in 63hrs. This was the goal.
We set off from London and took the flag off Monte Carlo beating Bohinc’s time by over 2hrs setting the following World Records.
London to Gibraltar 40hrs 3 min
Gibraltar to Monte Carlo 21hrs 8 min
London to Monte Carlo 61hrs 11min
September saw Chris join Gordon Compton along with team member Jan Falkowski to race in Gordon’s Rib ‘My Pleasure’ in the first Red Sea Rib Rally.
Having started as rank outsiders the team finished second 6 seconds behind the winning Belgium team. They were awarded the Stockdale Trophy for the gruelling 600-mile race.
1st Place Guernsey International Rib Race.
1st Place Zeebrugge International Rib race.
3rd in Class, Round Britain Power Boat Race. 10th overall, 40 starters in race.